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Estate Planning

4 Elements of an Estate Strategy

Learn about the importance of having an estate strategy in this helpful and informative video.

You’ve worked hard over the years to accumulate wealth, and may find it comforting to know that the assets you leave behind will continue to be a foundation for your family, friends, and the causes that are important to you.

Effective estate management enables you to manage your affairs during your lifetime and control the distribution of your wealth after death. An effective estate strategy can spell out your healthcare wishes and ensure that they're carried out – even if you are unable to communicate. It can even designate someone to manage your financial affairs should you be unable to do so.

Estate planning can be a crucial part of a financial plan, once you begin thinking not only about your goals today, but also for future generations.

Estate Management Checklist

Estate Management Checklist

Is your estate in order? This short quiz may help you assess your overall strategy.
Leaving Your Lasting Legacy

Leaving Your Lasting Legacy

Want to do more with your wealth? You might want to consider creating a charitable foundation.

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